We ignore this aspect of “women in tech” because it allows bros to be bros

Bro coders want to stay in their womb. Continue Reading


We really need to stop deifying Silicon Valley

Steve Jobs (ha!) actually predicted the demise of Silicon Valley. Continue Reading

Is meaningful interaction dying out via tech?

Meaningful interaction

This is a big topic that probably receives, er, too little attention. Continue Reading


“Disruptive technology” is an oft-misused term

Disruptive technology

It’s less about the tech and more about the decision-making process flaws. Continue Reading

Adoption of technology: Don’t whiff on this

Adoption of technology

Another area where communication and empathy would benefit us all. Continue Reading

We should probably stop considering mobile as “a fad”

Mobile Traffic And Informed Populations

I’ve talked to a lot of random high-middle-management people in my life who have told me that there isn’t really a logical reason to invest in mobile, because it’s a “fad.” (As in, “Well, something else will come along.”) I… Continue Reading

Incubators probably don’t actually work that well

Maybe incubators don't really work

In our grand race to deify the Bay Area culture while ignoring the fact that modern-day San Francisco may someday go the way of Detroit (and simultaneously ignoring the fact that Steve Jobs himself predicted the demise of the tech industry), we… Continue Reading


Is it possible that digital natives (millennials) will be better multitaskers?

Millennials and Multitasking

I almost jammed a pencil right in my cornea before I wrote another article talking about assumptions regarding millennials, because by now I think most of us realize those are all bullshit and may not come true in the way… Continue Reading