America is about getting your nut

“He who dies with the most toys wins.” (I would counter that said person is already dead, but who am I?) Continue Reading


Man, this CEO pledge is some trite bullshit, eh?

Making money — lots of money — is the closest thing most of these guys have to relevance and, honestly, fun. Think a pledge will stop that? LOL. Continue Reading

Agency theory is why you don’t like your job

Agency Theory

Agency theory just punched your job role in the throat. Continue Reading

Goldman Sachs is now driving hipster gentrification

Goldman Sachs and Gentrification

From here: Goldman has said it’s looking to make “catalytic” investments in up and coming neighborhoods. In a May 2015 document, it identified 1000 Dean as a project that can target small businesses and creative professionals, and “act as an… Continue Reading

Black Friday: Like all great things in America, we have Philadelphia and the service academies to thank

Here’s a typical look at Black Friday, via the Twitter Machine: Long lines @BestBuy. Let the madness begin #BlackFriday pic.twitter.com/dJ6samtFoT — Annalyn Kurtz (@AnnalynKurtz) November 28, 2013 In reality, Black Friday isn’t even a thing anymore — the stuff can start a… Continue Reading