Employee Engagement: You might “get it,” but the person next to you doesn’t

People don't understand employee engagement

What I’m about to say is not a particularly deep thought by any means, so apologies in advance for potentially wasting your time. I’ll keep it rather short, though. I promise. I’ve written enough words to drown a sea of… Continue Reading


Please think for at least one fucking second about calling that meeting


You could choke a horse (or several) with the literature on “When To Call A Meeting!,” which of course no one even remotely takes to heart. Continue Reading

Facebook might not be popular among teens, but it’ll still rule their lives

Facebook and the Internet of Things

Follow the bouncing ball: Even though people bitch about it all the time, Facebook is a fairly dominant platform. That said, it has some issues. Especially with teenagers. (Although buying Instagram was a good play.) Its core business, though, is really the… Continue Reading


These stats about on-boarding will make you gouge your eyes out with a rusty spike

Onboarding Stats Are Depressing

Ah, on-boarding. (Or is it “onboarding?”) The process of a new employee’s first day/days/weeks/months. It’s something every company should have a plan for, but almost none ever seem to. People view it as a transactional thing: meeting with your boss, walk-through with… Continue Reading


A lesson about decision-making from Walmart

Walmart and Decision-Making

You can say a lot of things about Walmart, and for most people the majority of them would probably be somewhat negative — although they did just make a move to increase their minimum wage — but it would be… Continue Reading


This one quote explains why “talent strategy” is a joke

Talent Strategy Is A Myth

I’ve been pretty vocal since I started writing this blog about how the whole concept of “talent strategy” — at least as upsold by executives — is kind of a farce. It all started when I got rejected for a… Continue Reading


Uber’s Big Data revenue push begins

Uber and Big Data

I wrote this back on January 5, 2014; that’s over a year ago. I am by no means an intelligent person, but I realized the potential value of Uber even before I ever actually sat foot in an Uber. (My wife and… Continue Reading


On the hiring vs. efficiency schism

CEOs want growth but also efficiency

What I am about to write is by no means scientific. I don’t have a lot of facts to back it up or anything. It’s mostly anecdotal from a series of places I’ve worked. Apologies in advance that this isn’t… Continue Reading