How to fix your habits: Personalize them

Great article with Gretchen Rubin (it’s essentially an interview) at Wharton’s website, and it ends with this (the end of interviews tend to be a good summary of everything that went on, right?): There is no one-size-fits-all solution. We’re constantly… Continue Reading

The Shrine of Big Numbers is killing marketing

You can probably figure out what the concept means from the headline. Basically, many people in marketing think about things in terms of the biggest numbers possible, because those are the impressive things you want to report back up a… Continue Reading


What if collaboration hurts productivity?

If you had to make a list of every business buzzword that a top dog/senior executive says in a meeting/presentation, I doubt you’d get very far down the list without hearing “collaboration.” People love to talk about collaboration. It seems… Continue Reading


Future of work: For a team to evolve, the leaders need to evolve

Start here, and start with this: A company used to be able to dominate the competition if it focused on creating an effective group of verticals. But in today’s world, leaders using the network model can quickly outpace those who… Continue Reading


Can we teach empathy, especially to adults?

How to teach empathy

An important question of the modern age. Continue Reading

Homophily and business

Loosely translated, homophily is your desire and ability to gravitate towards like-minded individuals. A lot of people would think this is a very good/strong element of business and work and organizations and workplaces, because — like-minded people tend to be… Continue Reading

What about “Big Data” in our calendars?

Hmmm. Think about how much we discuss “data” these days. (It’s a lot. It’s maybe even too much.) We have data channels for everything: if you manage a website, you can get detailed stats on who’s visiting and what they’re… Continue Reading

We should rebrand the idea of “brand”

A couple of weeks ago, I landed in Toronto from DFW. The customs line was insanely long; I ended up waiting on it about 1 hour+. I was kind of near a co-worker, but not close enough to actually speak… Continue Reading