Networking: More ‘give,’ much less ‘take’

Cool quote, from here: Matthew Bothner concludes the interview with powerful advice to MBA students, or indeed anyone looking to use networking, to advance their own status: give more than you take. “If I give something to you, you will… Continue Reading


Bad managerial style: The Merry-Go-Round

Cool idea, from here: By placing myself in the center of everything, my leadership was like the middle pole of a merry-go-round. There was plenty of action and excitement revolving around me—and the illusion of movement—but we were firmly planted… Continue Reading


Let’s rebrand the concept of work-life balance

Companies love to rebrand things, often thinking that simply changing the name of a product or concept will suddenly result in millions more dollars flowing in. (It won’t.) Here’s what really needs some rebranding in the corporate world: the whole idea of… Continue Reading


Behavioral interviewing is dumb

I went to grad school at the University of Minnesota from 2012 to 2014. In hindsight, I regret nearly everything about it — although in the process, I learned a lot about myself and who I am, and those lessons… Continue Reading


What if your business had a “Values Day?”

Look at the Slideshare above, and specifically head on over to Slide No. 32. It should look something like this:


Here’s the one reason companies fail at collaboration

Fail at collaboration

A mini-rant on failing at collaboration: Start with Harvard Business Review doing a review of several silo-and-collaboration focused books: Companies don’t fail at collaboration because not enough people will cooperate with one another. They fail when people work too closely in… Continue Reading


Who cares if you’re an individual superstar if you can’t work on a team?

Found this article on Forbes via Digital Tonto. It’s about individuals vs. teams in terms of development, etc. Here’s the final paragraph, which kind of summarizes everything (as final paragraphs tend to do): All of this points to a major change in… Continue Reading


Here’s the thing: management isn’t intuitive

Logical people sometimes get confused about how so many workplaces can be so dysfunctional. You probably spend more time working than doing anything else in the middle part of your life, and yet most organizations have absolutely no way to… Continue Reading