A major content marketing problem we don’t discuss

Problems with content marketing

I myself love content marketing. I love the concept of content as a bridge between commerce (what someone is trying to sell) and consumer (the person you’re targeting to buy it), and it makes total sense to me. The problem… Continue Reading


Naw, you’re really not that busy

You're not nearly as busy as you think

Here’s a thing I’ve literally never understood in the period of time I’ve been working: everyone runs around all the time talking about how busy they are. OK. So maybe they are. There is this idea that we live in… Continue Reading


Why do we focus so much on the quantity of work we do?

Quantity vs. Quality At Work

I write a lot about the whole notion of people who run around screaming about how busy they are all the time; here are a few samples: You’re probably not nearly as busy as you think Being busy is a… Continue Reading


Let’s rebrand the concept of work-life balance

Companies love to rebrand things, often thinking that simply changing the name of a product or concept will suddenly result in millions more dollars flowing in. (It won’t.) Here’s what really needs some rebranding in the corporate world: the whole idea of… Continue Reading


Overwork is bad for you — and your company

I’m fully of the belief that 55 hours of work/week is a hard ceiling, but I also know a ton of people I’ve worked with over my life who run around screaming about headcount, bandwith, and deliverables with their hair… Continue Reading


You’re not nearly as busy as you think

I’ve been getting fed the “OMG I’m so busy, there’s no time for anything else!” line my entire professional life, so eventually I started blogging about it: There’s really no need to talk about how busy you are Being busy… Continue Reading

Being busy is a drug for most people

The Busy Trap

Taking a hit off that busy pipe, are you? Continue Reading

“Got a minute?” costs the U.S. economy about $588 billion a year

Interruptions and Productivity

Got that stat in the headline from here. Basically the idea speaks to the power (for evil) of interruption, which is common in most workplace cultures, I’d auger. “Hey, got a minute?” At my current job, I actually saw one of those go… Continue Reading