The entire purpose of middle managers, scientifically, is to be absolutely full of shit

“Characterizing the reality of a situation with any description that is necessary to make that situation more palatable to some group that matters.” Continue Reading

Why would a middle manager be anything less than a glorified cop?

Middle Managers

It’s funny that we’re debating the role of cops and the role of managers at the same time. It’s often the same job. Continue Reading

Is this finally the moment that we pipe out meaningless middle managers?

Robots in the middle? Robots in the middle. Continue Reading


What if middle managers didn’t have to be direct reports themselves?

Middle Managers

What if we created two distinct classes of managers, instead of pulling people in different directions? Continue Reading

Business transformation usually fails because it ignores psychology

We need to stop ignoring the psychology of how people process their connection to work. Continue Reading

What if decisiveness is actually a bad trait in managers?

It’s sad when companies just come to resemble a bunch of guys with no idea what they’re even doing running around sending emails they supposedly think are “decisive” and “strategic.” Continue Reading

The average middle manager ain’t pulling his/her weight

Middle manager

What is the ideal job role for a middle manager? What should they legitimately be doing? Continue Reading


“I hate my boss:” The anthropological reason

I Hate My Boss

It’s not just “He/she is a wanker” or “He/she doesn’t respect me.” (That’s part of it.) It’s deeper into the human condition than that, though. Continue Reading