The COVID-19 golden parachute index

When your stock drops to 14 cents for trading, I’m not sure you just justified a $6M trigger for yourself bonus-wise. But many get it. Continue Reading

Being broke at the holidays is fucking tedious

Having no money sucks broadly, but it sucks more at the holidays. I’ve experienced this in both 2017 and 2019. Here’s a path around it! Continue Reading


America is about getting your nut

“He who dies with the most toys wins.” (I would counter that said person is already dead, but who am I?) Continue Reading


Compensation is the sex of the working world

Shhhhhh on both. Continue Reading


Man, this CEO pledge is some trite bullshit, eh?

Making money — lots of money — is the closest thing most of these guys have to relevance and, honestly, fun. Think a pledge will stop that? LOL. Continue Reading


Beware “creating shareholder value” as an expression

It means your life as an employee probably will equate to “hell.” Continue Reading


Deep thought: The three things you can’t talk about

Talk about sex, money, and failure

This is something kinda interesting to me, so I thought I’d do a quick post about it. If you really get down to it, there are three things that basically explain life: Sex: This begins it. Failure: This is what you learn from, give… Continue Reading

Could good design/UX help us retire better?

Retirement Planning Design

This topic has been coming up a lot recently. Harvard Business Review had a whole article on it — with studies! — a few days ago, and here’s a profile of Facebook’s former design chief joining WealthFront as a VP of design.… Continue Reading