‘How do consumers find our product?’ has become ‘How do algorithms find it?’

Algorithms are key to consumer acquisition strategies

Many marketing and sales types — as well as high-level executives — often worry about how potential consumers will find their products, and rush around screaming about KPIs and ROI and deliverables and optimized lead generation programs, all of which… Continue Reading


Why gamification sits at the crossroads of management

Gamification is the crossroads of management

Middle managers, getting yanked in two directions all the time. Continue Reading


In business, are you solving the right problem?

Business: Focus on Problems and Questions, Not Answers and Solutions

The first thing I’m going to say here is a generalization, but I believe all generalizations have to come from some kernel of truth, no? I think we live in a society, business-wise, that’s very focused on answers and solutions — as… Continue Reading

Chart: Most CMOs have no clue about digital marketing

CMOs Don't Understand Digital Marketing

The chart above comes from this post, and is kind of similar to a post I once wrote about people “not getting it” in terms of digital marketing, especially because you can make money from digital. CMOs have been claiming for years that… Continue Reading


Marketing: Worry less about ‘content,’ more about ‘stories’

Marketing is now about stories you tell

Marketing is about to undergo either a revolution or an evolution, in large part because the majority of post-WW2 marketing in most major industries has been actually centered on advertisements. By this point in human evolution, most people know how… Continue Reading

What if companies having empathy was tied to revenue?

Corporate Empathy and Revenue

A big concern of senior management types at most companies whenever something like ’empathy’ or ‘culture’ or ‘purpose’ comes up is pretty simple: I’ve got a business to run. How’s this tied to the bottom line? Look, that’s logical. We’ve… Continue Reading

The 10:1 managerial ratio

10 to 1 Managerial Ratio (Questions to Decision)

It’s a pretty simple concept: For every one order/directive you give, ask 10 questions before that. I got it from this post by my man Art Petty, where he talks about being a hyper-rooster manager.


You’ll never have a good work culture unless you stop promoting assholes

Stop promoting assholes

Emma Seppalla, a PhD over at Stanford (she’s the Director of their Compassion Center), is also the author of an upcoming book, The Happiness Track. Today, she took to Harvard Business Review to write another in the increasing line of “Hey, this is why… Continue Reading