Recurring meetings all the time = sign of a bad manager

What’s an easy way to identify good vs. bad managers? Continue Reading


How would one artfully navigate the fertility announcement post?

1-to-1, or 1-to-many? Continue Reading

An over-focus on fiscal targets is emotional terrorism for employees

Context, information, and attention. Continue Reading

Buzzword Vomit during an actual crisis? Uhh, there’s a better way.

This is a crisis moment for people’s finances, and senior leaders are saying crap about “value” and “virtues.” How do we get better? Continue Reading

The Blunder Years, Episode 17: Listening vs. fixing in relationships and getting tapped out

You’re in a relationship. Your partner comes home. Vents about the day. Should you listen, or attempt to FIX? Heady questions. Continue Reading

The Blunder Years, Episode 15: How to mess up your 30s (and how to get it back)

I spent chunks of my 30s investing in the wrong relationships and elements, and it’s important to be transparent on that. Continue Reading


You can drive a Mack Truck through senior leadership double talk

Middle management

How can an executive truly care about climate initiatives or pay equality when their incentives are about cutting costs? Continue Reading

Shouldn’t people have insight into the decisions that affect them?

Breakups to makeups, personally and professionally. Continue Reading