It’s a “belief-driven” world, not a “data-driven” one, fam

It’s not nearly as “data-driven” a world as we claim it is, but rather one constructed on beliefs, assumptions, and confirmation bias. We’re all guilty. Continue Reading

The Blunder Years, Episode 56: So, do generations hate each other?

Does every generation seem to believe that future generations “don’t get it” and will “screw it all up?” Plus: the decline and rise of listening. Continue Reading

Availability bias, proof by example fallacy, and tribalism, OH MY!

The increasing rush to sameness and comfort of American work and business models: dangerous, or just fine? Continue Reading

The Overblown Implications Effect

If you burn a batch of cookies or mess up a work presentation, do people think you are a bad cook or dumb now forever? Continue Reading

Most people you meet won’t be that self-aware

Confirmation bias vs. self-awareness in a 12-round cage match, and self-awareness ain’t winning too often. Continue Reading


The “Attention Economy” is a bubble

This is a tough intersection for humanity. Continue Reading


Confirmation bias is now a synonym for “life”

Confirmation Bias

Welcome to the era of dumb’ed-down like-clicking. Continue Reading

Compensatory behavior is, well, everything

Compensatory behavior

All about closing that gap between “who you really are” and “who you want to be seen as,” which has implications at work and on social media. Continue Reading