Yea, this is pretty much why a lot of America is obese and/or fat — but there’s hope

This is via Mother Jones by way of Amber Waves. This is Chart 1. It compares at-home spending patterns of U.S. households (i.e., at the supermarket) with USDA recommendations: Now, here’s Chart 2. It looks where Americans are eating — fast food, restaurants, at… Continue Reading


On Eli Pariser and the algorithm bubble

Eli Pariser, who’s currently the chief executive of Upworthy, wrote a book in 2011 called The Filter Bubble. A nine-minute TED Talk on many of the same topics is embedded above, but essentially, the idea is that personalized search — i.e. the… Continue Reading

“I’m interested in changing the type of system that produces this type of man,” or why Martin Luther King ultimately deserves a day of recognition

Martin Luther King Jr. was responsible for a heck of a lot of good in this world. Here’s a timeline of his accomplishments, here’s another one, here’s his Wiki, and here are two takes on his importance. If you took… Continue Reading


Tremendous truism about Big Data: C-Level executives value it, but have no idea what to do with it

Tremendous headline over on CIO right now: C-Level Execs Value Data, Have No Idea What To Do With It. This could be an earlier leader on the nerd/wonk front for best headline of the year, because it is unflinchingly and utterly true. You… Continue Reading


How Google, Mercedes Benz and other top companies become “the best places to work”

I’m endlessly interested in how people are engaged and motivated by their work in the absence of insane compensation packages, so this new post from Fast Company was intriguing. It starts with the ‘100 Best Places To Work’ list, which is released… Continue Reading

An iPhone costs about $872 U.S. in China, and yet, they’re flying off the shelves

Most of your iPhone comes from China, but now the story has a new twist: the Chinese are buying up iPhones at new-record rates, despite the fact that a 5S costs about $872 U.S. (5,288 yuan). In the most recently-ended… Continue Reading


Facebook could potentially have a problem with this whole ‘teenagers leaving the site en masse’ thing

This won’t be a very long post, as I’ve already talked about the idea of leaving Facebook (which I’ve yet to do, although in the past couple of weeks, I’ve mostly just checked it once in the morning, said happy birthday… Continue Reading


Because we’re getting more liberal about marijuana laws, we may have to sacrifice a bit on the salmon front

In 2013, we saw a shift in marijuana legalization viewpoint — more people approved it than not. That led to legalization in Colorado, which led to the first person ever to buy it legally in Colorado, which led to this epic… Continue Reading