Short-term outcomes vs. long-term commitment

I’ll try to frame this up in both work and personal terms. Let’s begin with where I got the concept from, which is this article and this pull quote: “You and your employees need to examine how they are treating… Continue Reading

Your inbox is usually OTHER people’s agendas, not yours

Responding to work e-mails

Reaction vs. response. Continue Reading

2 out of 3 people don’t know what they’re even supposed to be doing at work

How is this allowed? Why is this even permissible in companies? Continue Reading


A partial list of why people throw themselves on the cross at work

Work is about productivity and progress. It’s not about telling everyone how hard you work and how much you sacrifice. Leave that for broader lessons. Continue Reading


Stop attending services at The Temple of Deadlines

Meaningless projects with arbitrary completion dates = good T-Shirt slogan. Continue Reading

What if your company’s processes and tools aren’t making you any more productive at all?

A lot of stuff gets jammed down our throat. Continue Reading

Your logo matters significantly less than you think it does

No more 10-meeting sets on “power branding,” OK? Continue Reading

Meetings suck when it’s just everyone listing their to-do lists. Here’s a better way!

“Well, Dan, I don’t really give a shit what’s on your plate…” Continue Reading