Look for the foolish invention ideas

Invention Ideas

What happens when “the dumb idea” becomes “the idea that buys you a third home in Hawaii?” Continue Reading

Cognitive diversity is a key to target-hitting

Cognitive diversity

It would require a change in hiring approach (which we need anyway), but this might be valuable. Continue Reading

Innovative ideas: Why companies whiff on ’em

Innovative Ideas

Some of this does involve embracing the middle and lower levels. Continue Reading


The approval process vortex

Approval Process

Ah, the old ‘hurry up and wait’ world. Continue Reading

Idea generation is all about persistence

Idea Generation

Idea generation would seem to be a pretty big topic in the working world, right? You can argue that ‘no original ideas are left’ — that’s definitely true in content marketing, baby! — or you can argue that the only… Continue Reading

Managers judge new ideas poorly. So what do we do?

Moving along good ideas

Take these two concepts and think about them: Harry Potter, maybe the most successful film + book franchise of the last 20-50 years, comes from JK Rowling experiencing ‘loads’ of rejections before she got a publisher. The main way we set… Continue Reading

How to improve the bottom line with employee ideas

Employee Ideas and the Bottom Line

I’ve worked for a lot of senior leaders who seem to hold a belief that the company’s success comes at the expense of its employees, not as a result of their work. What do I mean by that? It’s a common attitude that rank-and-file… Continue Reading

Your business has a Casssandra Complex

If you like this post, feel free to share it. Someday I will move the social share buttons to the top, I swear. (It’s good to admit your failings now and again.) If you like some of my thoughts on… Continue Reading