2015 Goal: Reach out to one person in your network per day

Building Relationships

Grow your personal brand and use serendipity to find more work. It works, honestly. Continue Reading


Headcount may be destroying business innovation


My own journey to find a job, from about September 2013 until about June 2014, was a painful one. I wrote about it a bunch of times: here, here, and here are some examples. It was miserable, honestly, and often… Continue Reading

Use Uber for networking

This weekend, my sister-in-law and her boyfriend were in town. Last night, not wanting to assign any adult responsibility to myself or my wife (things we probably really need), we decided to take a couple of Uber rides to bars/restaurants… Continue Reading


Say it with me now: your products and processes are great, but your people do matter

Here’s a new academic working paper, summarized here, that basically says if you hire a “star” — a great performer,then — your department will be 26 percent more productive. Now, there’s a huge caveat to this study: it focused on… Continue Reading


Good managers are super rare. 82 percent of manager hires end up being the wrong one. (Whoa.) Here’s why (kinda).

People are staggeringly bad at managing others. Can we fix that? Continue Reading


For years, the fear always was “maybe the job-seeker is lying.” Is the new fear “maybe the hiring manager is lying?”

Don’t have a ton of science on this topic — but do have a ton of gut and experience. My job search is seemingly never-ending and has encountered more brick walls than a bad cartoon, but I persist. I saw this article on Quartz today and… Continue Reading


The conversation on networking is skewed. It’s really all about the context of the hand-off.

No one would argue, I’d guess, that the idea of networking is the No. 1 job search strategy out there. The amount of people who get jobs off randomly applying to posts online is fairly low — you can make an argument… Continue Reading