Five factors you need to create change

Five factors you need to create change

Take a look at the graphic above. Your goal is change. Every organization needs to change sometimes — business plans adjust, revenue streams change, leadership turns over, etc. So if your goal is change, how do you achieve that? Here… Continue Reading


Job role and definition is crucially important to the bottom line

Relevant Skills and Job Roles

How a job is designed — the role of the job, essentially — is extremely important to how a person performs, and we need to understand and discuss this more. First? A quick personal story. I recently got laid off… Continue Reading


A ‘heads-down’ work culture actually is not a good thing

Heads Down Culture

If you lined up 100 managers at 100 different types of companies and asked them what types of employees they want under them, I’d assume more than 70 would describe some version of the classic ‘heads-down’ employee. That basically means a person… Continue Reading


Why is change so hard?

This whole topic is one that I wish more people would discuss more openly more of the time, because if you really get right down to it, the ability to change is pretty much everything in your life. Think about… Continue Reading


What if your business had a “Values Day?”

Look at the Slideshare above, and specifically head on over to Slide No. 32. It should look something like this:


Link short-term decision-making to long-term goals

In the grand scheme of writing this blog, one of the most interesting things that I think I’ve ever written is this whole idea of “micro” vs. “macro.” Basically, you can get consensus among one group (say, a senior leadership… Continue Reading


Holacracy has some issues with vocabulary and compensation

Holacracy Organization

I’m broadly a fan of the idea of holacracy — essentially, running a company without true management titles in a way that’s supposed to foster healthier approaches to conflict and allow for more fluid movement between roles — because, to… Continue Reading


Is employee engagement tied to revenue?

I’ve written a lot about employee engagement on this blog — such as here and here — because it seems like a major topic of the next few years. Millennials will become the primary part of the workforce, and they… Continue Reading