Business journalism is increasingly such trash

We simplify complex issues and we totally ignore human psychology in our biz journalism discussions. Continue Reading


The 90-day employee retention problem

Employee Turnover

Still unclear why this is so hard for people to grasp. Continue Reading


Results-Only Work Environment, or ROWE, should be the wave of the future. The problem? Often, employees are treated like children.

There’s a long article on Slate from over the weekend — I think it’s one of their most popular and most shared, all that — about ROWE, or Results-Only Work Environment. Here’s the article. I’ve written about this kind of stuff a ton… Continue Reading

The inherent contradiction involved in LinkedIn’s new content marketing score is going to make the idea of employee engagement more important than ever

This is an interesting little sequence of events here. Follow along: 1. LinkedIn is much better at sending traffic back to your homepage — and thus potential leads — than Facebook or Twitter are. Remember: people go on Facebook to stalk… Continue Reading

Could something called TINYPulse save the idea of performance management/evaluations?

Fact that’s hard to argue: performance evaluations/management are often a train wreck. They typically happen once per year — if that — and they’re often not even based on what the employee necessarily did that year, but rather what the company’s more abstract… Continue Reading