CEOs are “unaware” their employees are often struggling. WTF? How?

Many CEOs seem unaware that their employees are having a tough time financially, and if you think about it … that’s completely logical. Continue Reading


Work burnout sucks, yes. It’s not a “crisis,” though.

Typically for something to be a “crisis,” people need to care about it. In work contexts, burnout is often EXPECTED as “the one true path.” Continue Reading


Senior leaders are out of touch. But why wouldn’t they be, honestly?

Guys at the top of companies don’t think about work, and money, the same way that everyone else does. Continue Reading

So, are most CEOs sociopaths?

I wouldn’t say “most” as that would imply over 51 percent. It’s less than that, but it definitely exists in the workplace. Continue Reading


You can drive a Mack Truck through senior leadership double talk

Middle management

How can an executive truly care about climate initiatives or pay equality when their incentives are about cutting costs? Continue Reading

Companies do not value you as much as you may think

You’re more than a number to the top dogs of an organization, but not much more, sadly. Continue Reading


Why would execs care about organizational trust if the legacy widget is still selling?

There is limited time in the work day, and executives care about very specific stuff. It’s probably not trust studies. Continue Reading

Leaders only think about disruption in terms of tech. That’s a problem.


The way that decision-makers conceptualize disruption is inherently narrow, and that’s not so bueno. Continue Reading