Being busy is more important than being strategic at many jobs

Most execs claim strategy is “their most important deliverable” and then say they “have no time for it.” HUH? Continue Reading


A partial list of why people throw themselves on the cross at work

Work is about productivity and progress. It’s not about telling everyone how hard you work and how much you sacrifice. Leave that for broader lessons. Continue Reading

Stop hiding behind lies about how busy you are

These are the worst types of people in a given office. Continue Reading

Busywork and how to prevent it


For most people, quantity of work matters way more than quality — and that likely (has to) hurt business productivity. Continue Reading


Busy Busy Busy: Why are Americans so obsessed?

Busy Busy Busy

Get off the cross, as others need the wood. Continue Reading

The no time for that work culture will make you weep

No time for that

Screeching, yelping, bellowing, and hollering — all devoid of context and assistance. Continue Reading

A major content marketing problem we don’t discuss

Problems with content marketing

I myself love content marketing. I love the concept of content as a bridge between commerce (what someone is trying to sell) and consumer (the person you’re targeting to buy it), and it makes total sense to me. The problem… Continue Reading