What we really need is employee DISengagement

We’ve been barking up the wrong tree on “employee engagement” for a decade, so here’s a new curveball. Continue Reading


We way, way, way over-complicate why people leave jobs

Employee Turnover

Turnover is not a complicated issue. At face, just don’t be an asshole and pay people fairly. Continue Reading


“Hire three top performers, pay ’em like 8, get the result of 10.”

We got more than a few issues with how we think on top-performing talent. Continue Reading

Work, nutshell: “Principle Of Least Effort”

We design work to run from the real work. Continue Reading


The problem: Employers/employees want different “autonomy”

Execs want to cut costs. People are costs. People want better projects and the ability to work independently. This intersection point defines our working future. Continue Reading

Is employee net promoter score a good metric to use?

Employee net promoter score

It becomes a “tree falls in the cubicle forest” problem. Continue Reading

Inspirational leadership: Don’t we all somewhat deserve this?

Inspirational Leadership

Gotta find that revenue tie to make this more important, though. Continue Reading

Guest Post: The driving force vs. the restraining force

Employee Evaluation

How do you maximize what you need to grow while minimizing that which holds you back? Tim Nash opines (with research!) Continue Reading