If you follow a “content marketing expert,” you’re probably doing it wrong

Don't Use Content Marketing Experts

Content marketing is/was/will be all the rage in some circles dating back to about 2013, if not a bit before. However, some brands have tried to adopt it — and then given it up, because it’s not linked enough to… Continue Reading


Maybe we should stop focusing on “selling product”

Stop Selling Product, Start Selling Experiences

There are a handful of things that happen every day in the business world where a logical person would look over and say, “Wait, what just happened?” One of the bigger ones, for me, is this over-focus on products and processes as… Continue Reading

95% of Twitter mentions for Elizabeth Arden are spam, eh?

Elizabeth Arden and Twitter Spam

I’ve written before about small business marketing success stories via Twitter, and I completely understand the potential value of Twitter, but there’s a part of me that wonders why brands devote any true resource to it (other than maybe 20-25 minutes per… Continue Reading

74% of executives say customer experience is a priority. Is it?

Customer Experience Should Be A Priority

Not breaking news: executives at companies large and small often claim one thing is a priority (words), then their actions make it clear that a totally different thing is the real priority. For example: “talent strategy” is a priority, folks!… Continue Reading

Facebook might not be popular among teens, but it’ll still rule their lives

Facebook and the Internet of Things

Follow the bouncing ball: Even though people bitch about it all the time, Facebook is a fairly dominant platform. That said, it has some issues. Especially with teenagers. (Although buying Instagram was a good play.) Its core business, though, is really the… Continue Reading

Here’s another CMO study. What can it tell us?

Social Media ROI CMO Studies

Here’s a new CMO (Chief Marketing Officer) study, this time of 1,434 CMOs. (More here.) It appears the focus of this one was “social insights,” which is a valuable thing to poll 1400 CMOs about. Duke University did a CMO survey… Continue Reading


Why is it so fucking complicated for people to understand Apple’s success?

Apple's Success

This is a weird little personal statistic, but I’ve been in about 20 conversations over the last six months where someone mentioned Apple (the company) and tried to explain their success, and basically got some of it right, but otherwise… Continue Reading

Super Bowl ads work (EDIT: if you’re Budweiser)

Budweiser Super Bowl Ads

Super Bowl ads are costing about $4.5 million for 30 seconds this year — highest-ever — which makes sense because each year seems to get another million in that audience column; last year’s game absolutely sucked and still, somehow and… Continue Reading