Business intelligence tools: The four areas to consider

Business Intelligence Tools

What can a global leader at McKinsey teach us about what business tools we need to be thinking about for growth? Continue Reading


Performance metrics: Evolve or die

Performance Metrics

The performance metrics you use (both internally and externally) are probably outdated for the digital age. So, what now? Continue Reading


Business metrics: You’re doing it wrong. Let’s fix it.

Business Metrics

It’s really hard to do business metrics well unless you have a culture of honesty and transparency, and most companies do not. You can still grab, scrub, analyze, and decide off data and business metrics, but there will be a lot of politics, BS, under-cutting, and the like preventing true success. Continue Reading


People analytics is still far off

People Analytics

It’s 2016. We have data everywhere, and that includes data on new hires and management. Why don’t we use that to structure our business processes better? Um, because secretly it violates every tenet of human psychology… Continue Reading

Maybe it’s time to empower Human Resources

Empower Human Resources

There’s a lot of talk in ‘thought leadership’ circles around the notion of ‘let’s empower Human Resources,’ but here’s the thing to remember: most ‘thought leaders’ are consultants and coaches. They tend to get paid by companies hosting them to… Continue Reading

How to fix a terrible conversion strategy

Website conversion strategy

It’s somewhat stunning to me how few marketers and salespeople think about their website’s conversion strategy. This is a true story, by the way; it’s not made up in any way. A few years ago, I had this gig in… Continue Reading


On metrics and honesty

Was bored at work yesterday before a full staff meeting and hopped onto #TChat for the first time ever, which is basically a Twitter chat about people, talent strategy, people analytics, HR metrics, and all that. I’m interested in that… Continue Reading

What about “Big Data” in our calendars?

Hmmm. Think about how much we discuss “data” these days. (It’s a lot. It’s maybe even too much.) We have data channels for everything: if you manage a website, you can get detailed stats on who’s visiting and what they’re… Continue Reading