When will people get annoyed by everyone discussing Big Data?

Probably pretty soon, right? Here’s the thing with Big Data, IMHO: most businesses, especially the publicly-traded ones, are quarterly in nature. They need results now now now. Big Data is a bit of a longer-term play. First off, you need… Continue Reading


Remember: business is still individual-to-individual

Business Is All About Individuals

You know why, ultimately, business journalism and headlines like “74 percent of B2C consumers prefer this…” don’t have value? And you know why the ramp-up to “Big Data” and “data-based decision-making” will be hard for a lot of people? Here’s why: All of these… Continue Reading

Start taking responsibility for your own analytics

Take ownership of analytics

From here: “Can you imagine a CFO going to the CEO and saying, ‘I don’t really know how to read a balance sheet, but I have someone on my team who is really good at it.’ We would laugh that… Continue Reading


Big Data: You need to actually be able to explain things to people. We forget that step.

Florence Nightingale Data Visualization

That right there is a data visualization Florence Nightingale did over 100 years ago; I found it in this post from Kellogg (Northwestern), which is an awesome article about visualizing data. I won’t go super deep into this — you… Continue Reading

Clinton vs. Rubio (Bush?): Will 2016 be first true ‘Big Data’ election?

2016 Presidential Election and Big Data

With Hilary Clinton declaring yesterday and Marco Rubio declaring today, this seemed like a good time to write this post. Interesting point made here: FDR mastered the radio like no President beforehand. JFK mastered the TV like no President beforehand.… Continue Reading


How long will this “gut feel” vs. “use analytics” debate go on?

Value of People Analytics

This is a super-long, but super-interesting discussion between two UPenn professors (Adam Grant and Cade Massey) on the rise of people analytics, how teams can work effectively, and how we should be hiring, amongst other topics. A video is also… Continue Reading

Facebook might not be popular among teens, but it’ll still rule their lives

Facebook and the Internet of Things

Follow the bouncing ball: Even though people bitch about it all the time, Facebook is a fairly dominant platform. That said, it has some issues. Especially with teenagers. (Although buying Instagram was a good play.) Its core business, though, is really the… Continue Reading


Uber’s Big Data revenue push begins

Uber and Big Data

I wrote this back on January 5, 2014; that’s over a year ago. I am by no means an intelligent person, but I realized the potential value of Uber even before I ever actually sat foot in an Uber. (My wife and… Continue Reading