“Ban politics at work!” But what would that even look like?

How necessary is this discussion, even? Continue Reading

Unless co-created, the daily meeting doesn’t mean much

“Getting sushi with the hubs today at 1:15…” isn’t exactly a strategic use of one’s time. Continue Reading


The modern moment: “You have no dignity.” “Um, you’ve never met or spoken to me.”

Someone told me in a Twitter thread last night that I “lack dignity.” The person and I have never met or spoken. Is this modern comms? Continue Reading

Buzzword Vomit during an actual crisis? Uhh, there’s a better way.

This is a crisis moment for people’s finances, and senior leaders are saying crap about “value” and “virtues.” How do we get better? Continue Reading

The Blunder Years, Episode 17: Listening vs. fixing in relationships and getting tapped out

You’re in a relationship. Your partner comes home. Vents about the day. Should you listen, or attempt to FIX? Heady questions. Continue Reading


The familial vs. broader society disconnect

How we make decisions with our families and how we want to be seen when posting online are often very, very different. Continue Reading


One rule to get you better at conversations

Carl Rogers, coming in hot. Continue Reading


People should end emails with “Let me know how I could make any of this easier”

EMail is just a form of hierarchy

Real nice vs. fake nice. Continue Reading