The “do your job, keep your job” idea has been mostly dead for decades

Even if you’re a warrior for your company, there’s no guarantee you’ll be able to stay there. That’s just the modern contract. Continue Reading


Baby Boomer “leaders” demand loyalty and allegiance above all

In some ways, you could argue Trump is the ultimate Boomer. His near-obsession with loyalty has broader work repercussions for us all. Continue Reading


We way, way, way over-complicate why people leave jobs

Employee Turnover

Turnover is not a complicated issue. At face, just don’t be an asshole and pay people fairly. Continue Reading

20 minutes a day, or start thinking of your career as a pipeline

Or, “how to make money with a strong Google game at the hotel bar.” Continue Reading


Company loyalty is dead and buried, yes

Company loyalty

First thing people say: “the decline of unions…” That’s PART of it, but it’s not the entire story. Continue Reading

Is employee net promoter score a good metric to use?

Employee net promoter score

It becomes a “tree falls in the cubicle forest” problem. Continue Reading

Employee branding begins by cutting buzzwords

Employee branding

Rushing to buy software probably won’t make this any better, alas. Continue Reading


The Hawthorne Effect will reduce employee turnover

Hawthorne Effect

It used to be about light bulbs in Illinois factories. Now it’s about listening to, and engaging with, the people who work for you. Continue Reading