Unless co-created, the daily meeting doesn’t mean much

“Getting sushi with the hubs today at 1:15…” isn’t exactly a strategic use of one’s time. Continue Reading


When everything is a priority, nothing is: Relevance vs. chaos

Two psychological needs on the path to supposed productivity lead to … a bunch of things on fire. Continue Reading

The power of narrative on belief structure, politically and otherwise

How do you choose what to believe and what not to believe, and how much do “data” and “expertise” really play in? Continue Reading


“If you feel that everything is terrible and everyone lies, then people don’t want to engage in civic discourse…”

Welcome to the lessons of Election Day 2020 (USA), which are more hopeful than maybe we realize. Continue Reading


You should document your team’s unwritten rules

Most of a work/team’s “culture” is just a mix of written and unwritten rules, and it’s often sloppy to navigate. Maybe we should document more? Continue Reading

Try to keep your work friends after you leave (it ain’t easy)

When you leave a job, it’s notoriously hard to remain good friends with ex-coworkers. But damn, you should definitely try. Continue Reading

WFH is basically class warfare, even if we avoid the topic

We can talk forever and a day about work from home and when it might return, but let’s first acknowledge the inequality herein. Continue Reading

The managerial fear button and punished vulnerability

Managers have a lot on their plates, and often “motivating or building your team” falls to their last priority. Enter fear as a “strategy.” Continue Reading