Age-wise, 30 to 35 is where lives will get divergent

There’s a seven-or-so-year span where most of your connections are going to shift in some way, often majorly. Continue Reading


Don’t try to get happier. Change your environment.

Be intentional about your friends and the people you roll deep with. Continue Reading

Ironically, a quest for perfection will likely destroy us

Live your life and don’t worry so much about others. Continue Reading


The “Attention Economy” is a bubble

This is a tough intersection for humanity. Continue Reading


We really need to discuss feeling isolated at work

Feeling isolated at work

What makes you a human vs. a sub-human, at work and in your personal life? Continue Reading

Why political polarization in America is unique

Political Polarization

Three main issues here, and they played out big in 2016 (and shall continue to do so!). Continue Reading


The “I am so lonely” era in America

I am so lonely

The great paradox of the modern age. Continue Reading