The Eisenhower Matrix is really all you need for decisions

The winner of WW2 is now going to help you win time management. Continue Reading

Why do we assume group chat is productive at work?

Group chat

“A harried culture of constant interruption.” Continue Reading

More productive work = not about ‘hacks,’ about self-awareness

Hacks, form an orderly line to the left. This is about knowing what matters. Continue Reading

The lazy coworkers solution [problem already evident]

Lazy coworkers

Hey Soul Sister — maybe the issue is us, not them. Continue Reading

Employee performance evaluation, done the productive way

Employee performance evaluation

Problem 1: how we organize people. Problem 2: how we reward them when they do a good job. Can we solve this? Continue Reading

Productivity Planner: The Focus Day

Productivity Planner

How about moving from “quantity of work on your plate” to “quality of work you’re getting done,” yea? Continue Reading


Do leadership competencies have to include “being an asshole?”

Leadership competencies

The Myth of Steve Jobs. Continue Reading

Busywork and how to prevent it


For most people, quantity of work matters way more than quality — and that likely (has to) hurt business productivity. Continue Reading