The “job market” really runs about ages 17-34

Some anecdotal evidence in here, to be sure, but the “job market” for a 27 year-old vs. a 45 year-old right now is essentially two different worlds. Continue Reading


Recruiters need to stop f*cking ghosting people. It’s unprofessional.

It’s absolutely true that candidates can be more professional in their job search. But recruiters need to do their part as well. Continue Reading


So, when do we think hiring ageism now begins?

Basically, what we do is lie to candidates (and the broader market) about what actually matters to us as employers. Continue Reading

Ah, look, another HR Tech conference where nothing actually changes…

HR Tech conferences go round and round in a circle, year after year, full of sound and fury but signifying little. Continue Reading

What holds hiring back is a quest for human relevance

cover your ass hiring manager shuffle

Human beings want to be seen as relevant, and don’t want to be replaced by algorithms. This makes hiring right now even messier than normal. Continue Reading


The empty promise of hiring

Hiring Process is Broken

What does education promise, and then what does the hiring process deliver? Continue Reading


A quick note on all this “workplace ghosting” stuff

We’re talking about hiring and working ‘”ghosting” too much. Here’s the real deal. Continue Reading


The Spring Training problem of HR thinking

The season of perpetual hope. Continue Reading