“Ban politics at work!” But what would that even look like?

How necessary is this discussion, even? Continue Reading

A lot of the stuff we call “unprecedented” has, well, happened before

We inflate what’s happening around us to make it seem more important and OMG, but hasn’t it all happened before? Continue Reading

Deify the innovation of the vaccine, sure — but its effectiveness is all about messaging

We need to understand that Facebook, Reddit, and Twitter matter more here than “the innovation” does. Continue Reading


“If you feel that everything is terrible and everyone lies, then people don’t want to engage in civic discourse…”

Welcome to the lessons of Election Day 2020 (USA), which are more hopeful than maybe we realize. Continue Reading

The Blunder Years, Episode 73: Are we all bigger douchebags now?

Are we now more aggressive and generally douchebag-y because of politics, partisan nonsense, and the culture wars? Perhaps. Continue Reading


Baby Boomer “leaders” demand loyalty and allegiance above all

In some ways, you could argue Trump is the ultimate Boomer. His near-obsession with loyalty has broader work repercussions for us all. Continue Reading


You would think this might be a moment that we throw less shit at each other, right?

In a time we theoretically discuss the need for unity, our discourse has become super divisive. Are we on the ledge? Continue Reading

Guest Post: Why I still love Americans

Neil Patrick from the UK takes over my blog for a day. Fun times! Continue Reading