“Delight the customer” is meaningless drivel, not a “strategic objective”

“Delight” is not really a quantifiable idea, and you know what? That’s exactly how the top dogs want it. Continue Reading

Guest Post: Blogging for beginners

Where do you even get started with doing a blog? Hell if I know, right? Continue Reading

Stop hiring, and promoting, assholes and incompetent people into management

Stop promoting assholes

Managers are why people leave jobs, usually. (Money is too.) So maybe let’s, uh, try to improve who we let manage others? Continue Reading


Man, this CEO pledge is some trite bullshit, eh?

Making money — lots of money — is the closest thing most of these guys have to relevance and, honestly, fun. Think a pledge will stop that? LOL. Continue Reading

Are we “Post-Expertise” now? And did LinkedIn help destroy the term?

Is expertise on the decline? And if so, why would that be? Continue Reading

The hysterical irony of AI (and the tyranny of small decisions)

We are headed down an interesting path. Continue Reading


We way, way, way over-complicate why people leave jobs

Employee Turnover

Turnover is not a complicated issue. At face, just don’t be an asshole and pay people fairly. Continue Reading


Isn’t a better work-anywhere policy just basic common sense?

Let people be with their aging parents or young kids. Continue Reading