Onboarding: Revolve it around stories
If people are truly job-hopping more than ever, then onboarding is tremendously important. But most companies still do it horribly. What if we shifted the focus ever so slightly, though? Continue Reading
If people are truly job-hopping more than ever, then onboarding is tremendously important. But most companies still do it horribly. What if we shifted the focus ever so slightly, though? Continue Reading
It’s 2016. We have data everywhere, and that includes data on new hires and management. Why don’t we use that to structure our business processes better? Um, because secretly it violates every tenet of human psychology… Continue Reading
We tend to focus a lot of our managerial training in America on transactional elements of the process, which often leave managers ill-equipped for dealing with real issues or human beings. It’s time we change that. Continue Reading
My last couple of years have been pretty awkward in terms of hiring process. I worked at PBS from 2011 to 2012, then decided to go to graduate school. That kinda sorta turned out OK, but it took me a… Continue Reading
Organizational development suffers from the same core business problem as many things — it’s hard to measure. Here’s the basic deal with many jobs: even though senior leaders usually aren’t very good at analyzing data in the context of decision-making,… Continue Reading
There’s a lot of talk in ‘thought leadership’ circles around the notion of ‘let’s empower Human Resources,’ but here’s the thing to remember: most ‘thought leaders’ are consultants and coaches. They tend to get paid by companies hosting them to… Continue Reading
A job search these days is a pretty fraught thing. How do you master it? If you’ve read this blog even a handful of times, you might know my basic deal: Moved to Texas in July 2014 for a gig… Continue Reading
Let’s start with these points, OK? The hiring process isn’t the most amazing thing at most companies Job descriptions are often not fully indicative of what the person will actually do A lot of people exist at work and don’t… Continue Reading