How about kindness as a business strategy? ROFL, or … maybe?

This is a hard approach inside most companies, but there are obviously benefits. Continue Reading


On notions of “hard” vs. “soft” at work

Men still predominantly run the business world, and men don’t like to be associated with the term “soft.” So we need a new path herein. Continue Reading


“You’re going to get fired in three months.”

This may sound like Paltrow and Chris Martin stuff, but it might work. Continue Reading

Corporations don’t use the word “empathy” the way it’s meant to be used

Has it become more of a marketing ploy? Continue Reading

Could compassionate love work in companies?

Compassionate love

It’s the antithesis of KPI-tracking, but maybe that’s the whole point. Continue Reading

Meaningful jobs: What factors do we need?

Meaningful jobs

Nice new research from MIT here. Continue Reading


Can a compassionate work culture lead to more profits?


Emma Seppala, a professor at Stanford, has a new book out called The Happiness Track. One of the most popular things I’ve written in the past few months, ‘You’ll Never Have A Good Work Culture Unless You Stop Promoting Assholes,’ is rooted… Continue Reading

Life Key: Move away from fear, greed, and ignorance

Greed Fear Ignorance

This is kind of interesting. MIT has this project called “ULab,” which is designed to transform higher education. That’s a pretty complex topic to tackle, because a lot of the problems with higher education come from the context of how… Continue Reading