Relevance, control, and status

What’s work really about? Continue Reading

Stop wasting the time of people who work for you

Is there a path to cultures where everyone has a good understanding of priorities as opposed to time-suck tasks? Continue Reading


When everything is a priority, nothing is: Relevance vs. chaos

Two psychological needs on the path to supposed productivity lead to … a bunch of things on fire. Continue Reading


Do you really think the government could keep a conspiracy quiet for years? Honestly?

There’s too much need for relevance, need for attention, too many silos, and too much politics to believe a conspiracy would never be leaked. Continue Reading


“Bring your whole self to work?” LOL, that’s horrific advice.

“Being authentic” can often (sadly) mean “signing up for the next layoff list.” Continue Reading

Short-term outcomes vs. long-term commitment

I’ll try to frame this up in both work and personal terms. Let’s begin with where I got the concept from, which is this article and this pull quote: “You and your employees need to examine how they are treating… Continue Reading

Your logo matters significantly less than you think it does

No more 10-meeting sets on “power branding,” OK? Continue Reading

All managers do is email and go to meetings, sadly

People need to use their time better. Continue Reading