Meaningful jobs: What factors do we need?

Meaningful jobs

Nice new research from MIT here. Continue Reading

Corporate values and enemies

Corporate Values

Trump’s America? Continue Reading


The bullshit thoughts and prayers culture

Thoughts and Prayers

We all know ‘thoughts and prayers’ means nothing and leads to virtually no action. So how does it still resonate so much? Continue Reading


Can a compassionate work culture lead to more profits?


Emma Seppala, a professor at Stanford, has a new book out called The Happiness Track. One of the most popular things I’ve written in the past few months, ‘You’ll Never Have A Good Work Culture Unless You Stop Promoting Assholes,’ is rooted… Continue Reading

3 years since Sandy Hook, and things are worse. Wow.

3 Years Since Sandy Hook

Out of all the mass shootings, if you were callously sit down and rank them (I wouldn’t necessarily recommend doing this, no), Sandy Hook might be the worst. A loss of life is a loss of life wherever it happens,… Continue Reading

What if companies having empathy was tied to revenue?

Corporate Empathy and Revenue

A big concern of senior management types at most companies whenever something like ’empathy’ or ‘culture’ or ‘purpose’ comes up is pretty simple: I’ve got a business to run. How’s this tied to the bottom line? Look, that’s logical. We’ve… Continue Reading


Who cares if you’re an individual superstar if you can’t work on a team?

Found this article on Forbes via Digital Tonto. It’s about individuals vs. teams in terms of development, etc. Here’s the final paragraph, which kind of summarizes everything (as final paragraphs tend to do): All of this points to a major change in… Continue Reading


Execution. Expertise. Is empathy the new management trend?

Start here, on the supposed themes around management since the Industrial Revolution: “If organizations existed in the execution era to create scale and in the expertise era to provide advanced services, today many are looking to organizations to create complete… Continue Reading