Focus more on employee strengths

Employee Strengths

The psychology of the human brain meets potential for the bottom line. Continue Reading

Good corporate culture has a negative side

Corporate Culture

A mostly no-bullshit approach to what’s a “way to pay people less” to many senior decision-makers. Continue Reading

Employee engagement activities die with this quote

Employee Engagement Activities

Wharton professors summarizing the decline of modern business in, essentially, one sentence. Continue Reading


Employee recognition ideas: Uh, start by caring

Employee recognition ideas

“I don’t have time to recognize my employees! Don’t we do that at raise season or something? Eff it, let’s buy a software program!” Continue Reading

Why your work culture sucks (and how to fix it)

Work Culture

A violation of core business tenets. Continue Reading


Great place to work myth: Compensation

Great place to work

There are hundreds of studies about what makes a great place to work, yes? And most bear out this idea that compensation is NOT paramount in that equation — although executives are often confused by this. Continue Reading

Has employee loyalty finally died?

Employee Loyalty

You’d reckon the answer is yes (for many people). But why? And what does it mean? And how can companies react and maybe get a strategic advantage back from it? Continue Reading


Employee engagement ideas: Cut the BS

Employee engagement ideas

Saying that your company has a “purpose-driven mission alignment around core values and employee experience” is BS and fluff. It means nothing to a rank-and-file worker, and it hurts employee engagement. So let’s cut the crap. Continue Reading