Why process, while good, can frequently destroy teams

Process isn’t a bad thing by any means. In fact, most business experts would tell you it’s a main way you scale. You need to do things in a repeatable, predictable way to get to a place where enough peeps… Continue Reading


Professional networking: The modern dichotomy

Professional Networking

“I’ve got 2,191 LinkedIn connections! I’m so networked!” But are you, sir? Are you? Continue Reading

Don’t lip service coaching and mentoring

Coaching and mentoring

“That’s a HR thing, right? I’m out here slaying targets! No time to worry about these rank-and-file peons!” Continue Reading

How to create a mentorship culture at your job

I think the concept of ‘making an impact for other people’ — or having influence, or getting people to listen to you — are ideas that we sometimes reserve for professors, or authors, or ‘thought leaders,’ or CEOs, or motivators.… Continue Reading

Remember: mentoring ain’t the same as managing

Could write one million words on this topic — and in the process, bore the hell out of everyone reading — but instead, I’ll take a quote from this Fast Company article and we’ll go from there: You already know… Continue Reading


The personal question my wife asked me that I can’t answer (and what it means)

I originally wrote this back in March ’15, but I decided to repurpose it a little bit because of recent events. The Original Story It’s been snowing/freezing raining in “The Metroplex” of Dallas-Fort Worth since basically about Tuesday, so this… Continue Reading


Assigned mentorship is dead. So what next?

Business Mentoring

The concept of “mentorship” is fairly important, insofar as young people come into workplaces unclear of the responsibilities and expectations and policies and politics (in part because their higher education experiences don’t prepare them for that), and having someone to help you… Continue Reading