The value of protests in the algorithm age


Those 29 likes on your funny Instagram sign are not “fighting the establishment” just yet. Continue Reading

Cognitive learning often has no place at work

Cognitive Learning

If all you do all day is check boxes and answer the KPI bell, your thinking muscles atrophy. And then we expect those people to make the right political decisions, or want to join the right groups, or know how to structure a mortgage? Dominoes. Continue Reading

Employer branding: The big thing companies miss

Employer branding

There’s “the message you push out” and “the way your company really is to work at.” Not the same. Continue Reading


“But what’s the project objective, sir?”

Project Objective

Most offices are a giant priority vacuum. What now? Continue Reading


The “boys don’t cry” problem of work

Boys don't cry

If your own relationship with your dad was strained, does that make you a bad manager 30-40 years down the line? Continue Reading

Adoption of technology: Don’t whiff on this

Adoption of technology

Another area where communication and empathy would benefit us all. Continue Reading

Add “business journey” to the buzzword list

Business Journey

Your origin story and path forward should be notable elements of who you are, but often they’re jargon-chocked BS. What now? Continue Reading

Engagement marketing gets destroyed by growth KPIs

Engagement Marketing

The Shrine of Big Numbers mostly destroys effective marketing. Continue Reading