We ignore this aspect of “women in tech” because it allows bros to be bros

Bro coders want to stay in their womb. Continue Reading

2 out of 3 people don’t know what they’re even supposed to be doing at work

How is this allowed? Why is this even permissible in companies? Continue Reading

Move recruiting from HR to business development

People drive a business forward (for now), so shouldn’t the acquisition of good people be considered an activity that develops the business? Continue Reading


A partial list of why people throw themselves on the cross at work

Work is about productivity and progress. It’s not about telling everyone how hard you work and how much you sacrifice. Leave that for broader lessons. Continue Reading


“Complaining about work” is more at scale than “being productive at work”

20 hours+ per month, eh? Continue Reading


Beware “creating shareholder value” as an expression

It means your life as an employee probably will equate to “hell.” Continue Reading

Networking sucks and is largely pointless too

Skip the mixer and go play soccer, for real. Continue Reading

What if decisiveness is actually a bad trait in managers?

It’s sad when companies just come to resemble a bunch of guys with no idea what they’re even doing running around sending emails they supposedly think are “decisive” and “strategic.” Continue Reading