The Blunder Years, Episode 59: What is diversity, even?

A discussion on people moving to Colorado, the definition of “diversity,” the “Note Police” at work, and finding true strategy. Continue Reading

“Delight the customer” is meaningless drivel, not a “strategic objective”

“Delight” is not really a quantifiable idea, and you know what? That’s exactly how the top dogs want it. Continue Reading

Shouldn’t people have insight into the decisions that affect them?

Breakups to makeups, personally and professionally. Continue Reading


Do senior company executives even know what “strategy” is?

What a farce. Continue Reading


You want me to briefly explain why your strategy sucks?

Actually got five reasons for you. Continue Reading


Strategy is paradoxically a problem for organizations now

Every day is a winding, if intractable, road map. Continue Reading


The “customer strategy” era is going to skyrocket turnover

Customer strategy

The yin and yang of chasing the newest shiny penny. Continue Reading

Strategic decision making, simplified to a chart

The beauty of simplicity. Continue Reading