Strategy is paradoxically a problem for organizations now

Every day is a winding, if intractable, road map. Continue Reading


The five year plan should be a relic by now

Five year plan

Compare your life on October 17, 2012 to now and let’s talk about the relevance of this concept. Continue Reading

Is “the big idea” dead?

Probably not. But the way we try to develop big ideas inside orgs is on life support. Continue Reading


The “customer strategy” era is going to skyrocket turnover

Customer strategy

The yin and yang of chasing the newest shiny penny. Continue Reading

Strategic decision making, simplified to a chart

The beauty of simplicity. Continue Reading

The average middle manager ain’t pulling his/her weight

Middle manager

What is the ideal job role for a middle manager? What should they legitimately be doing? Continue Reading

Effective decision making is about basically one thing

Effective decision making

The brain psychology of management kind of kills the idea of effective decision making. Continue Reading

Your business model isn’t as unique as you think, good sir

Business Model

“No one outside these walls could possibly understand how great, unique, and elaborate our model is.” Continue Reading