Effective feedback: Avoid ‘The Shit Wave’

Effective feedback

“Why wasn’t this done exactly to my specs? Gahhhhhh!” (pause) “Well, even though you’re my manager, I haven’t spoken to you in six weeks.” Continue Reading


Great place to work myth: Compensation

Great place to work

There are hundreds of studies about what makes a great place to work, yes? And most bear out this idea that compensation is NOT paramount in that equation — although executives are often confused by this. Continue Reading


The Era of Professional Boundaries

Professional Boundaries

… but unfortunately, it’s often designed to protect those already with power and influence. Continue Reading


The problem with collaboration tools

Collaboration Tools

You really think it’s gonna cut down on your email? Ideally it would, but you don’t know Samantha from Accounting and her reluctance to change, now do you…? Continue Reading


Lead generation was killed by … itself

Lead Generation

“We put 2K leads into the pipeline last month!” yelps a middle manager. He neglects to mention that 108 of those people are, in fact, deceased. Continue Reading


Branding strategies: Many marketers are clueless here

Branding Strategies

Stop screeching about ‘branding strategies’ in all-hands meetings when, in fact, you just want to talk about process and guidelines. They’re very different things. Continue Reading

Time management skills: The check-in

Time management skills

Time management skills are fairly rare in most workplaces and teams. But what if we taught managers to change one little bitty thing? Continue Reading


Why your decision-making process is skewed

Decision-making process

Most companies (and individual senior leaders) have terrible decision-making processes in place. They often focus short-term, chase shiny pennies, and a host of other things. Why is this? How can it get better? Continue Reading