Leaders only think about disruption in terms of tech. That’s a problem.


The way that decision-makers conceptualize disruption is inherently narrow, and that’s not so bueno. Continue Reading


The empty promise of hiring

Hiring Process is Broken

What does education promise, and then what does the hiring process deliver? Continue Reading


People don’t care as much about stuff as we think they do

Putin and all-hands revenue growth meetings don’t always matter. Continue Reading


Why your boss ignores your ideas

Is it because they are set in their ways, or because they can’t do much about the idea in the first place? Continue Reading


What exactly is the point of a performance review, honestly?

They make no sense and largely don’t make employees better at their jobs. So why do they persist? Continue Reading

About 95% of deadlines can be adjusted

Deadlines are not nearly as intractable or set in stone as we think. Continue Reading


The April of my discontent

An oral history of how I fucked up the end of a relationship and started to figure the rest out afterwards. Continue Reading

The calendar slave problem

Meetings Are Terrible

There are ways around this, and yet we still do it too much. Continue Reading