Stop promoting project managers to lead people

Just because you manage tasks and timelines well doesn’t mean you’re going to manage people well. Continue Reading


Motive determines performance (managers need to “get” this)

An almost-stunning 95% of managers don’t even understand how to motivate their people. Continue Reading

The three styles of management (they’re not all good)

Autocratic isn’t the best thing to be. Continue Reading

Improve the world by ending emails this way

“Anything I could explain better or give you more context on?” Continue Reading

All managers do is email and go to meetings, sadly

People need to use their time better. Continue Reading

How are managers allowed to avoid conversations by saying “it might be awkward?”

Managers need to sack up. Continue Reading

Why is a boss usually quicker to yell than praise?

It’s not simply because they’re an asshole (although it could be). Continue Reading


Have conversations about career skills, not job role

Career skills

Playing Frogger with corporate politics. Continue Reading