Communicating at work maybe isn’t ROI, but focus on it

Check out this graphic; I got it from an article on Harvard Business Review about the leadership traits that employees don’t like about their managers: Break this down for a second:

Remember: mentoring ain’t the same as managing

Could write one million words on this topic — and in the process, bore the hell out of everyone reading — but instead, I’ll take a quote from this Fast Company article and we’ll go from there: You already know… Continue Reading

What about “Big Data” in our calendars?

Hmmm. Think about how much we discuss “data” these days. (It’s a lot. It’s maybe even too much.) We have data channels for everything: if you manage a website, you can get detailed stats on who’s visiting and what they’re… Continue Reading


Two simple ways to stay on top of e-mail

Everyone in the modern world seems to complain about e-mail. Like, everyone. I’ve had a bunch of jobs, in a bunch of different industries/verticals/cities/bosses, and regardless of all the differences, this whole concept of ‘OMG, I cannot stay on top… Continue Reading

If someone wants to work remotely, let them

There’s been a ton of misconceptions about millennials in the past 2-3 years, spurned on by the ol’ “Let’s generalize about generations” concept that we’ve been doing for years. (I think I’m Gen-X, and my parents are “Silents/Matures,” and I… Continue Reading


Link short-term decision-making to long-term goals

In the grand scheme of writing this blog, one of the most interesting things that I think I’ve ever written is this whole idea of “micro” vs. “macro.” Basically, you can get consensus among one group (say, a senior leadership… Continue Reading


Stay connected to the essence of who you are

Huffington Vassar Commencement

“Because while the world will provide plenty of insistent, pleading, flashing, high-volume signals directing you to distract yourself–to not be in the moment, to burn out in order to climb higher up the ladder of what the world defines as… Continue Reading


The four things you need to understand to follow through on plans

How To Follow Through On Goals

Follow-through is a huge deal in life. Core example: the gym on January 1 vs. the gym on March 1. See a difference? You probably do. People always have ideas about improvements, both individually and within broader networks they belong… Continue Reading