When everything is a priority, nothing is: Relevance vs. chaos

Two psychological needs on the path to supposed productivity lead to … a bunch of things on fire. Continue Reading

The Blunder Years, Episode 40: Dealing with ego and loyalty, raising kids

A 50-minutes-or-so conversation about parenting, loyalty, ego, Tom Hanks movies, selling, and self-awareness. Continue Reading


Stop profiteering. You are missing the point of this moment.

This is a different moment for businesses. It’s not about chasing leads so much as chasing stability. You’re alienating people otherwise. Continue Reading

The Blunder Years, Episode 17: Listening vs. fixing in relationships and getting tapped out

You’re in a relationship. Your partner comes home. Vents about the day. Should you listen, or attempt to FIX? Heady questions. Continue Reading

Companies do not value you as much as you may think

You’re more than a number to the top dogs of an organization, but not much more, sadly. Continue Reading

What about conversational email marketing?

Stop trying to sell at every turn. Continue Reading

Of course initiatives rarely have impact at work, because…

When your top rungs are a revolving door… Continue Reading


How much “marketing collateral” do you think sales really uses?

The sales-marketing relationship is largely broken. But does it really matter if people are still able to sell the products and services? Continue Reading