High potential employees: The fatal flaw

High potential employees

The quick and dirty on how your top five percent of employees somehow ends up including members of your bottom 10 percent. Continue Reading


The “zero fucks given” approach to work

Zero fucks given

This isn’t about doing a bad job. It’s about learning how to tune out the noise. Continue Reading


Employee attrition has a “quick fix”

Employee Attrition

Hmmm. This isn’t rocket science, per se. Continue Reading

Job dissatisfaction: A general guide to preventing it

Job Dissatisfaction

This is usually at the intersection of “high achievement culture” and “unclear job role.” What now? Continue Reading


Employee satisfaction: One thing matters the most

Employee satisfaction

“Happy at work? I need them heads down, nose to the grindstone, hitting their goddamn targets!” Continue Reading

The no time for that work culture will make you weep

No time for that

Screeching, yelping, bellowing, and hollering — all devoid of context and assistance. Continue Reading

Employee engagement model: Community of strategy

Employee Engagement Model

It’s less about managing through spreadsheets and software programs, and more about understanding how you engage with people and let ideas be heard. Continue Reading

Employee branding begins by cutting buzzwords

Employee branding

Rushing to buy software probably won’t make this any better, alas. Continue Reading